43 hot shot

The recipe has received 3 point. 3 point (of max 6) in average from 2 readers The recipe have had 8798 readers! 8798 total readers
43 hot shot have calculated nutrient, energy percentage and cost per 100 gram, which is conducted by ©Knut Pettersen.
The following basic values exist for 100 grams: For more details check the Norwegian version.
There is also possibilty to translate all recipe to english with help of Google Translate.

Click for the Norwegian version

Calories: 155,7 kcal ......Protein: 0,05 g ......Fat: 0 g ......Saturated fat: 0 g ......Carbo: 13,5 g ......Fiber: 0 g .....Sodium: 2,5 mg .......Price : 23,59 .- kr


1 serving

1 oz liqueur 43
1 oz warm coffee
Whipped cream

More facts about The recipe

Source: Matoppskrift.no
Category: Shooter
Country: Ukjent-opprinnelse
Back too the Norwegian versionClick for the Norwegian version




Build carefully in shot glass.

NB! The recipe is calculated for nutrient content and price of Knut Pettersen Matoppskrift.no

Vote for the recipe!

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Ansvarlig utgiver: © 2002- Databasesør AS Adresse: Matoppskrift.no,
Major Laudalsvei 6, 4630 Kristiansand Orgnr.: 911 668 602 mva.