Chicken Tandoori

The recipe take approximately 30 min to cook 30 min     The recipe is easy to prepare Easy The recipe has received 3,9 point. 3,9 point (of max 6) in average from 7 readers The recipe have had 14712 readers! 14712 total readers
Chicken Tandoori have calculated nutrient, energy percentage and cost per 100 gram, which is conducted by ©Knut Pettersen.
The following basic values exist for 100 grams: For more details check the Norwegian version.
There is also possibilty to translate all recipe to english with help of Google Translate.

Click for the Norwegian version

Calories: 117,8 kcal ......Protein: 22,34 g ......Fat: 2,34 g ......Saturated fat: 0,56 g ......Carbo: 1,4 g ......Fiber: 0,89 g .....Sodium: 75,87 mg .......Price : 12,95 .- kr


4 servings

1 large chicken breast
1 tsp. paprika powder
½ tsp. chili pepper

½ tsp. ground ginger
½ tsp. allspice
2 garlic cloves
1 small container natural yogurt

More facts about The recipe

Source: Etegilde
Photographer: Rosemarie Rodriguez
Category: Ovnsrett
Country: India
Back too the Norwegian versionClick for the Norwegian version
Chicken Tandoori.


Blend all the dry spices with mashed garlic and 2 tbsp. fresh lemon juice. Spread mixture on the chicken breast.

Place the chicken breast with skin side up in an ovenproof dish and bake in the middle of the oven on
400°F about 20 mins.

Serve with cooked rise and yogurt. Can decorate with fresh or dried coriander.

NB! The recipe is calculated for nutrient content and price of Knut Pettersen

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