Cod tounge and barley soup (suppe på torsketunger

     The recipe is easy to prepare Easy The recipe has received 1,2 point. 1,2 point (of max 6) in average from 8 readers The recipe have had 7721 readers! 7721 total readers
Cod tounge and barley soup (suppe på torsketunger have calculated nutrient, energy percentage and cost per 100 gram, which is conducted by ©Knut Pettersen.
The following basic values exist for 100 grams: For more details check the Norwegian version.
There is also possibilty to translate all recipe to english with help of Google Translate.

Click for the Norwegian version

Calories: 43,35 kcal ......Protein: 5,51 g ......Fat: 0,79 g ......Saturated fat: 0,12 g ......Carbo: 3,21 g ......Fiber: 0,68 g .....Sodium: 153,71 mg .......Price : 4,63 .- kr


8 servings

1 dl (1/3 cup) pearl barley
1 ½ liters (quarts) fish stock
¼ small rutabaga, cubed
1 large carrot, cubed
1 medium parsley root, cubed
150 g (5 ounces, about 5) almond potatoes
20 cod tounges
freshly ground black pepper
chopped parsley

More facts about The recipe

Source: Det norske kjøkken
Category: Suppe
Country: Ukjent-opprinnelse
Back too the Norwegian versionClick for the Norwegian version




Cod tongues are a popular dish in the northern Norwegian kitchen. They are prepared in many ways - poached, sautéed and fried.
Cod tongues are a delicacy and have been an important source of income for young people in fishing villages.
Soak the barley in water overnight.
Bring the stock to a boil, skim, then add barley. Simmer 30 minutes. Add the vegetables and simmer 5 minutes.
Add the cod tongues and simmer until cooked, about 6 minutes.
Season with salt and pepper. Sprinkle with parsley just before serving.
Serve with whole-grain rolls and butter.

NB! The recipe is calculated for nutrient content and price of Knut Pettersen

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