Pavlova or Meringue Cake

The recipe take approximately 60 min + to cook 60 min + The recipe has received 5,5 point. 5,5 point (of max 6) in average from 30 readers The recipe have had 68385 readers! 68385 total readers
Pavlova or Meringue Cake have calculated nutrient, energy percentage and cost per 100 gram, which is conducted by ©Knut Pettersen.
The following basic values exist for 100 grams: For more details check the Norwegian version.
There is also possibilty to translate all recipe to english with help of Google Translate.

Click for the Norwegian version

Calories: 274,74 kcal ......Protein: 3,25 g ......Fat: 15,31 g ......Saturated fat: 6,07 g ......Carbo: 30,35 g ......Fiber: 1,24 g .....Sodium: 30,65 mg .......Price : 6,1 .- kr


1 serving

4 egg whites
1 ½ cups sugar
2 tsp. 5% white vinegar
3 drops vanilla extract
1 tbsp. corn starch
1 cup walnuts

1 small box heavy whipping cream
2 tsp. sugar
1 tsp. vanilla flavored sugar

12-15 strawberries
2-3 passion fruits

More facts about The recipe

Source: Kakemonsen
Photographer: Knut Pettersen
Category: Kaker
Diet/allergy: Glutenfri
Country: Ukjent-opprinnelse
Back too the Norwegian versionClick for the Norwegian version
Pavlova or Meringue Cake.


1 serving gives 12 stykker

This is a classic that can go under the name "Grethe Roede eats your heart out". The cake should be eaten the same day as it quickly becomes soggy in the refrigerator. The cake layer can be frozen.

This is what you do:
Whip the egg whites and sugar together in a food processor approx. 10 minutes, add vinegar, extract and corn starch. Whipping an additional 5 minutes. Carefully stir in the walnuts with a spatula.

Draw a circle approx. 9-10 inches in diameter on a sheet of baking paper. Turn the paper over and gently spread the mixture inside the circle. Smooth the mixture out evenly.

Set the oven to 350°F.
Turn temperature down to 200ºF when the cake is put in. Bake for 1 hour. Turn off the heat and keep oven door open with a wooden spoon. Allow the cake to cool completely before it is taken out of the oven.

Whip the cream with sugar and vanillar flavored sugar. Spread over the cake and place sliced fruit over.

Special characteristics
Gluten-free, without flour


NB! The recipe is calculated for nutrient content and price of Knut Pettersen

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