Danish Breakfast Bread

The recipe take approximately 60 min + to cook 60 min + The recipe has received 3,2 point. 3,2 point (of max 6) in average from 8 readers The recipe have had 12259 readers! 12259 total readers
Danish Breakfast Bread have calculated nutrient, energy percentage and cost per 100 gram, which is conducted by ©Knut Pettersen.
The following basic values exist for 100 grams: For more details check the Norwegian version.
There is also possibilty to translate all recipe to english with help of Google Translate.

Click for the Norwegian version

Calories: 270,47 kcal ......Protein: 7,78 g ......Fat: 7,57 g ......Saturated fat: 4,29 g ......Carbo: 41,45 g ......Fiber: 2,71 g .....Sodium: 403,55 mg .......Price : 1,92 .- kr


1 serving

2 cups milk
1 cup butter
1/3 sugar
1 egg
2 yeast cakes or 3 pkgs. of dry yeast
½ tsp. Cardamum
6 cups all-purpose flour
2 tsp. salt

More facts about The recipe

Source: Matoppskrift.no
Photographer: Matoppskrift.no
Category: Brød
Country: Danmark
Back too the Norwegian versionClick for the Norwegian version
Danish Breakfast Bread.


Heat butter and milk to 99ºF. Loosen up yeast and add sugar, egg, salt and Cardamum. Blend in flour last and knead dough loose and smooth. Let rise until double in size. Knead again a little and allow to rise another time. This can be repeated 2-3 times.

Form into small balls with a large spoon and place on a butter baking sheet. Her they are to rise awhile before baking at 350ºF aprox. 15 minutes.

Separate before serving and can eventually be allowed to get crispy in the oven. Serve with butter.

NB! The recipe is calculated for nutrient content and price of Knut Pettersen Matoppskrift.no

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Ansvarlig utgiver: © 2002- Databasesør AS Adresse: Matoppskrift.no,
Major Laudalsvei 6, 4630 Kristiansand Orgnr.: 911 668 602 mva.